
How To Clean Your Butt With Household Items

Bacteria on household items

Many chop-chop jump to the conclusion that the toilet bowl is the germiest, dirtiest, well-nigh bacteria-infested detail in the household. Sorry to say but that's simply not truthful.

We can't see bacteria with the naked centre, just microscopes can. In that location are seemingly harmless household items in your house correct now that are housing hundreds of times more than bacteria than your toilet bowl that you probably touch ten times more often. These germ-ridden items might not impale y'all, just they definitely warrant proper disinfecting every now and and so.

Check out more articles on cleanliness here:

  • Cleaning hacks for married couples
  • Laundry hacks
  • Tips to avert germs
  • HDB cleaning tips

ane. Tap handle

tap handle - Bacteria on household items

The tap gives you the power of water to make clean other things, just don't disregard the cleanliness of the tap itself. People utilise their muddy easily to plough the tap on, so information technology makes sense that there'south going to be a lot more bacteria on there.

Your kitchen faucet probably has all the germs from uncooked food, while the i in your toilet is most likely riddled with germs from those number twos. No matter the tap, studies have shown that bacteria like Due east.coli are probably tap dancing all over them.

How to make clean: Utilize a disinfectant spray, cleaning liquid or wipes regularly. Alternatively, you tin as well apply citric acid or a solution of vinegar and warm h2o.

2. Kitchen sponge

kitchen sponge

Take you ever stopped to recall that while some have separate knives or chopping boards for raw and cooked nutrient, the sponge is the tool that we ultimately use to wash everything?

If yous think that just because you put soap on the kitchen sponge to clean information technology every 24-hour interval it'll exist clean, think again. Unfortunately, vigorous scrubbing simply ain't gonna get rid of all the bacteria that spreads on contact with the dirty dishes. Non merely that, since your hands handle so many different foods and ingredients, the sponge gets contaminated when you pick it up.

There are 45 billion bacteria per foursquare centimetre on your kitchen sponge. That'due south roughly 8 times the population of Singapore crammed into a square centimetre. Don't compromise on the dirty sponges, only get new ones.

How to clean: Put the wet sponge in a microwave for two minutes or place information technology in boiling water for five minutes and replace regularly.

three. Toothbrush

toothbrush - Bacteria on household items

Here'southward a not-so-fun-fact, when your toothbrush is close to your toilet, faecal matter a.k.a. poop particles can actually fly out and nearly and onto your toothbrush after every flush. Objects up to 2 metres away are in the "splash zone".

That'southward not even the worst part, it'll send shivers down your spine knowing that over 100 1000000 types of bacteria including Staphylococcus aureus , E. coli , Pseudomonas , and herpes simplex virus take been institute past researchers to contaminate toothbrushes. Time to do some interior repositioning in the bathroom, especially if you lot share 1 with other people.

How to clean: Go along toothbrushes upright so water trickles downwards, don't keep near the toilet bowl or close the hat before flushing and replace toothbrush every three – four months. Alternatively, get a toothbrush encompass to protect the bristles.

four. Toothbrush holder

toothbrush holder

Even if you supersede your toothbrush regularly, it might all exist in vain if you forget well-nigh your toothbrush holder. Information technology'southward a breeding ground for germs, especially so if you are sharing one with your family unit or housemates as everyone's commonage bacteria build upwardly.

Toothbrush holders rank high among the most leaner-infected things in the household co-ordinate to a study from the National Sanitation Foundation , with 27% having coliform bacteria – a bacteria typically present in human and animal faeces. Go launder yours if yous haven't already.

How to clean: Wash regularly with hot soapy water and make sure to scrub out all that grime.

five. Washing car

washing machine - Bacteria on household items

The outside of the washing motorcar might go a scrub during your weekly household cleaning, only nigh tend to forget that the inside needs some attention too. Your apparel take been, well, nearly everywhere, so it makes sense that it'd exist a breeding ground like no other in the washing auto tub with all the mould and dirt piling upward.

A German hospital reported a new drug-resistant leaner causing trouble to patients and eventually they figured out the source – y'all guessed information technology – the infirmary washing car. Yikes.

How to make clean: Launder on high rut with vinegar or bleach to disinfect. Alternatively, grab a washing car cleaner from Daiso .

half-dozen. Bath towels

bath towels

Your bath towels are wet, clammy, stored in a dark identify and are like a prissy, comfy bed for all sorts of leaner. Also, you probably use them many times over the twenty-four hour period to wipe your easily, wash your face and dry out your body – that's a lot of skin contact.

Information technology's been found that 90% of bath towels have coliform bacteria and 14% with East.coli . You wouldn't want to be getting any of that on your pare – just think almost all the possible facial and body acne issues you'd take to face.

How to clean: Permit them dry completely before use and wash subsequently every two – three uses.

7. Cutting board

cutting board - Bacteria on household items
Image credit: pxfuel

This should be a no brainer as the chopping board comes into contact with raw meats and dirty vegetables all the fourth dimension. A good scrub and some dishwashing liquid may go rid of nigh germs, but the existent danger lies in the grooves that course after relentless cutting and chopping as bacteria thrive and linger in these mini-ravines.

There's a big debate surrounding whether plastic or wooden boards are more sanitary, just it turns out that they're pretty much the aforementioned when it comes to both in-groove bacteria too as cleanliness. Regardless of what you take, clean them properly because bacteria on your food ain't cracking.

How to clean: Sanitise with vinegar or bleach, supercede if it'south also worn out with a lot of grooves.

8. Keyboard


Imagine everywhere your fingers have been. Now imagine all those germs and leaner harbouring on, and within, your desktop keyboard. Apparently, researchers have found that your keyboard contains 400 times more bacteria than your average toilet seat. Oh, not to mention a few drug-resistant bacteria that tin can last upwardly to 24 hours too.

The same applies to your laptop keyboard. In fact, your laptop'southward keyboard might be fifty-fifty worse considering how often you utilise it outside the confines of your dwelling house.

How to clean: Wipe and disinfect them regularly, non forgetting to become under the keys if you lot tin can, and launder hands after use.

nine. Mops

mop - Bacteria on household items

They're supposed to clean your house but if you're non conscientious, you might finish up dragging more bacteria around instead. Mops are wet and damp and nosotros've established that such conditions are the perfect habitat for bacteria.

Mop storage is too essential as mops that are stored wet actually assistance bacteria grow rapidly . I'1000 sure you lot'll desire to avoid spreading germs everywhere.

How to clean: Wash thoroughly subsequently apply, allow the mop dry and be certain to shop in a dry place. For those living in HDBs, hang it from the laundry pole holder for a skilful UV cleanse in the sun.

10. TV remote

tv remote

The list of things that the Boob tube remote has touched includes your dirty hands, the coffee table, the couch if you put it at that place and the floor if yous drop it. Coupled with the fact that information technology'due south often neglected as an item that needs cleaning, you've got yourself yet another germ hotspot.

The American Lodge for Microbiology has concluded that remote controls are among the most leaner-conveying items in hotels. Keep that in mind the side by side time y'all book into a hotel.

Same applies to your PS4 or Xbox console remotes besides. Information technology's your call of duty to ensure y'all and your friends don't terminate up with a handful of germs afterwards that gaming sesh.

How to clean: Use disinfectant wipes regularly.

Bacteria hiding in household items

Don't panic besides much most these items, they won't kill yous or warrant incineration. Simply leaving these bacteria-ridden household things will be harmful in the long run, so exist sure to cover all grounds during your annual spring cleaning.

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Photography by Alif Muhammad.
Originally published on 9th March 2020. Concluding updated by Josiah Neo on 11th August 2021.


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